Elephant Tales
Summer 2016 (Volume 6 Issue 2)
Defend the Constitution NOW
Before It’s to Weak to Defend You!
Annual picnic
Republican Party Shawano County
Tuesday July 26, 2016
6:00 p.m.
St. James Retreat
Menu: Barbecue and Chicken Sandwiches with side dishes
Cost $8.00 per person or $15.00 per couple for non club members Menu only-Children 12 years old and under eat free Beverages available
Speakers Candidates running for office
Lake Country Republican Women will be
selling desserts & cookies by the piece or whole dessert. LCRW will also be holding a raffle
All money raised by LCRW will go to help Veterans
Addition donations Welcome
For reservations and questions contact Picnic Chairman Marcus Jesse at 715-851-3462 or email at mjesse3462@shawanonet.net Reservation deadline July 22, 2016.
Three Candidates vying for 8th District Congressional seat on GOP ticket in November
Mike Gallagher, Candidate for 8th Congressional District
Dear Friends,
I am overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received since we first launched this campaign about four months ago. I look forward to continue getting to know many of you, but let me take this opportunity to introduce myself and explain why I have decided to run for Congress.
I served seven years on active duty in the Marine Corps as a Hu- man Intelligence/Counterintelligence Officer and Regional Affairs Officer for the Middle East and North Africa. During my time in the Corps, I completed two tours of duty in Iraq and earned the rank of Captain.
After my Iraq deployments, I served on General Petraeus’ Central Command Assessment Team in the Middle East and spent three years working in the U.S. intelligence community, including tours in the National Counterterrorism Center and the Drug Enforcement Agency. I also served as the lead Republican staffer for the Middle East, North Africa, and Counterterrorism on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as the national security advisor for Governor Walker’s presiden- tial campaign. I now work in the private sector as the Senior Global Market Strategist at Break- through Fuel, a Green Bay-based energy and supply chain management company competing in 48 countries around the world.
I earned my PhD in International Relations from Georgetown University after earning a masters degree in Security Studies with honors from Georgetown and a masters of science in Strategic In- telligence from National Intelligence University. I received my bachelor’s degree from Princeton University with a focus on Near Eastern Studies and Arabic.
I am running for Congress for the same reasons I joined the Marine Corps the day I graduated from college. As a 7th-generation Green Bay native, I feel I owe an enormous amount of debt and gratitude to this Country, this state, and this community.
I’ve never run for office before, but I feel compelled to step up and fight for a better future for our nation. I believe our Country is in crisis and the politics of the past, along with a lack of leadership and moral courage from career politicians and unelected bureaucrats, has put our nation on the wrong path. Our national debt is out of control, wages are stagnant, taxes are too high, our military is too weak, and Congress is ineffective. We need new leaders with new ideas who are ready to step up and fight every single day to restore and protect what makes our Country great.
This is my promise to you. If you give me the honor of serving you in Congress, I will work harder than anyone else in defense of our Constitution and on behalf of our families, this state, and this country.
I look forward to working together as we continue along this path, and I will continue to work to earn your support on August 9.
Terry McNulty
A pretty ordinary guy is running for congress to represent you. Terry McNulty is far from ordinary though. Having served a career already in the military he has continued to serve. Married to his high school sweetheart for 23 years he and his wife have raised two girls with traditional conservative values. Terry started his own business 18 years ago offering surveying services and has survived the recession so far. After retiring from the military he got active in local politics, smaller government, and has gotten a lot done. Check out his record at villageofforestville.com or from work as a conservative on his local Board of education at Southern Door County Schools. Again his experience of getting things done for the best interest of the people he served and not dividing is why when Terry McNulty says he will get things done he is the one people trust to do it. The friends of Terry McNulty campaign has been working hard to get to know and include people of the 8th Congressional District for over 4 months now talking about 4 pillars of the campaign that will be good for most people. To learn more or help out go to friendsofterry- mcnulty.com or find friends of Terry Mc Nulty on Facebook but on August 9th the people of this District get to first answer who best represents them and who they trust to get things done. This candidate has a real successful record.
Vote McNulty for Congress
Frank Lasee, Candidate for the 8th Congressional District
I’m running for congress to put your liberty, prosperity and safety first and to lead the charge to make government work for you, not against you. I believes that, to- gether, we can realize our vision to make Washington something we can be proud of again.
I have a proven conservative record in the State Senate of cutting taxes, fighting for individual liberties, and slashing government red tape to help businesses create higher paying jobs. I take strong stands on these issues, defend my votes, and work to build consensus through clear communication with colleagues and voters. Whether it’s been the hundreds of thousands of protestors lashing out against Act 10, runaway legislators on the opposite side of the aisle, or angry recalls – I don’t back down.
I’m also not afraid to stand up to those in my own party when it means standing up for you. I success- fully stopped a major gas tax increase and stood up to pressure from others in my party to prevent ObamaCare enabling legislation from creeping into Wisconsin law. If you send me to Washington, you can trust that I will stand up for you and your values.
My pledge to you is this – As your congressman, I will fight for our hard working families who suffer, sacrifice, and work hard to get ahead. I will fight for our individual liberties, protect job creators, defend private property owners, and hold government accountable to taxpayers. I have kept my conservative values and always will. I don’t compromise on our principles in Madison and I won’t in Washington. I humbly ask for your confidence on August 9th if that’s the kind of representative you want to stand up for you and your family in Congress.
Wallace Running for Second Term
Debra Wallace currently holds the position of Treasurer for Shawano County and is seeking re-election as the Shawano County Treasurer. Her experience includes a four-year term as the treasurer, one and half years as the deputy treasurer and twenty six and a half years at an engineering firm doing project accounting. She graduated from Luxemburg- Casco High School and is also a graduate of Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Through her attendance at various treasurer’s conferences that she has attended, she has also earned UWGB credits.
During her first term as Shawano County Treasurer, she has helped to imple- ment a new tax software program. This tax program has helped to provide for a more efficient method of tax payment processing, tax settlement, lottery credit, and necessary reports. In the future, the treas- urer’s office will implement a web receipting program which will enable our municipalities to receipt in tax payments on line. Information will then be updated on a daily basis making this information available to our customers on a regular basis.
She also has a variety of knowledge with regard to tax receipting, tax settlement, general receipting, in rem tax sale, lottery credit, investing, accounting practices, and the GIS website.
She believes in running an honest office, following state statutes and county policy. She also is very in tune to maintaining the checks and balances necessary to run the treasurer’s office. She prides herself in making sure that they balance to the penny every day and to the penny at the end of every month.
Over the years, she has met a lot of new people and has made many friends throughout the county. This has developed into a good work related network base of people in which to provide good customer service. Debra believes that the most rewarding part of her job is the people that she meets. Customer service is key. She has worked very hard on problem solving for those customers who have missed payments or fallen on hard times. The best part, she says, are those patrons who are upset over their predicaments, but then stop by to say thank you or give a hug for all the help that we gave them.
Thank you for your support and the opportunity to serve you. I look forward to serving you again.
D’Souza Film on Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton:
They are looking forward to sharing the message of this film and seeing the impact that it has on voters across the nation. This is a critical step towards revealing the corruption of the Clinton dynasty.
Hillary’s American is an opportunity for the Republican Party to come together and unite n a common front to address and expose the history of the Democratic Party. This film will explain the truth and give us an opportunity to take back our country. With your partnership and expertise, we can make a lasting impact.
We know how important it is to send a message to the voters that this not the President they want, need, or can afford. We want to work with you to get the word out and get people to see this film.
Below is the website for the film where you can watch the trailer and get the latest updates. Keep up the great work and God bless America!
Opening in theaters on July 22nd. I do not have the theaters as of yet in this area that will be showing the film.
Hillary’s America the movie
Hagen Running for County Treasurer
Hello fellow Shawano County republicans. My name is Mary Hagen and I am currently running for Shawano County Treasurer. I am taking this opportunity to tell you about myself and why I am the best candidate for Treasurer of Shawano County.
I am a long time resident of Shawano County graduating from Shawano High School in 1985 and Northeast Wisconsin Tech- nical College in 1987 earning two Associate Degrees – one in Business Administration/Credit Management and the other in Accounting. Ten years, a husband, and two children later, I made the decision to continue my education at Lakeland College’s Green Bay campus with a double major while living and working full-time in Shawano. After taking two semesters off to have my third child I graduated Magna cum Laude in the spring of 2001 with Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Business Administration and in Marketing.
Since September 2000, I have been working full-time as an Accountant in the Shawano County Finance Depart- ment. As the Accountant I have been involved with various projects and process changes throughout the years and would like to continue to make improvements which benefit Shawano County. I have worked with many of our County Board supervisors, elected officials, department heads, and financial staff in all of the various Coun- ty departments. Some of these departments include the Sheriff’s Office, Highway Department, Human Services, Public Health, Administration, County Clerk, and most importantly the Treasurer’s Office.
Having worked on a lot of budgets over the past sixteen years I have seen many challenges and changes that have affected the County and its taxpayers. Economic hard times and recession have affected us all, both on a personal level and county-wide. However, through it all, one thing has remained constant, and that is my com- mitment to providing the best possible service that I can to Shawano County.
I care about the residents of Shawano County and have dedicated myself to serving those residents to the best of my ability, and will continue to do so just as I have for the past sixteen years. But do not take my word for it. Please, speak to your County Board supervisors, town and village officials, county employees, and fellow residents who have worked with me. Value their opinions and vote MARY HAGEN FOR SHAWANO COUNTY TREASURER on August 9, 2016. Thank you for your time.
“I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down…..Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path.” Ronald Reagan address1964
“There can never be equality of rewards or possessions so long as the human plan contains varied talents and differing degrees of industry and thrift.” Warren G. Harding inaugural address March 4, 1921
“Freedom divorced from moral truth is the death of freedom.” Father Richard John Neuhaus WSG April 3, 1995
“A society that puts equality …ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality or freedom.” Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman Free to Choose 1979
“In all that the people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere,” Abraham Lincoln
News from the Lake Country Republican Women (LCRW)
By President Darlene Ross
Here we are over half way through 2016 and there are so many things happening everyday. I hate to turn on the TV anymore with all the terrorist and just murders across the country besides the are now more prevalent right here in northeast Wisconsin. We talked about this at our meeting where years ago we did not even lock up our homes or cars. Now we do not even know our next door neighbor as it is such a mobile society.
We had State Senator Robert Cowles at our June meeting and he brought us up to date of the news and changes that took place in Madison during the last days of session and explained the new Election Board replacing the State Accountability Board.
I took a second car full of clothing and other supplies down to the King Veterans Home on Monday, June 20th. The majority of it was new clothing as we are working with a store that we can get clothing reasonable and they know it is going to veterans in need. We also had some used clothing that I heard the reason that they could not wear it anymore as it shrunk in the closet or drawer since the last time it was worn. One of the suits that was given will be used this weekend for his wedding. They are in such need that as we were unloading some of the residents were waiting to see if there was things that they needed. At our April meeting LCRW voted to use all the money we raise at the picnic for more purchased. We will also have a jar for additional money for the vets.
In July the Republicans and Democrats will be holding there conventions. It is the first time in a long time that conventions are one right after the other. Republicans meet in Cleveland, Ohio on July 18-21 and Democrats in Philadelphia July 25-28. I for one will not be watching either one.
Also at our last meeting we decided that we would have desserts for the picnic rather than just pies. We will also divide pies, cakes, and cookies so that a couple do not have to eat the same thing for a long time. For anyone who wants a certain pie or dessert they can call in an order to ei- ther Marlys at 715-758-8481 or email marlys.tauchen@gmail.com or Ginny at 715-853-9934 or email at ginnyann03@gmail.com and we will try to get someone to make that dessert for you. We will need the order by July 22.
We will also be working in the Red Barn at Charlie’s County Market on August 4-6. We are still in need of some help. Also make sure to come at purchase your lunch when we are there for the three days.
Our next meeting will be August 9 at the Season’s Restaurant on Airport Road, Shawano. This is also Fall Primary voting day so make sure you get out to vote for 8th Congressional District Race and the Shawano County Treasurer Race.
Officers for LCRW for 2015-2016
Darlene Ross, President-badross@shawanonet.net
Marlys Tauchen, V. President-Marlys.tauchen@gmail.com
Joyce Hagen, Secretary-nrsjoyce@jshagen.com
Patricia Romuald, Treasurer-promuald@hotmail.com
Virginia Jesse, President-ginnyann03@gmail.com
2016 Calendar of Events for RPSC:
Monthly Meetings of the County Committee of the Republican Party of Shawano County are held the third Tuesday at 12:00 noon. Starting in 2016 we are meeting at The Lighthouse at W6440 Gumaer Road, Shawano. Call Craig at 715-745-6292 for information about upcoming events.
July 26, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. |
Annual RPSC Picnic St. James Retreat |
August 9, 2016 |
Fall Partisan Primary Election |
August 31 thru September 5 |
Shawano County Fair |
October 23, 2016 |
Northwinds Banquet Hall Time to be announced |
November 8, 2016 |
General Election |
Other dates and events will be published as they become available or you can call Chairman Craig Carlson or any of the other officers.
We do not share our membership list with any candidates or their campaigns.
If you have any questions about membership in the Republican Party of Shawano County you can call Darlene at 715-304-9400 or email at badross@shawanonet.net
If you can help with any of the parades call Virginia Jesse at 715-853-9934.
RPSC Executive & County Committee Members:
Chairman – Craig Carlson
Secretary – Bonnie Olson
President L.C.R.W. – Darlene Ross
Treasurer -Virginia Jesse
Finance – Larry Romuald
Publicity/Activities – Craig Carlson
Auxiliary Committee Chairmen:
County Committee Members:
2014-2017: John Ainsworth, Marcus Jesse, John C. Kriewaldt, Richard Kucksdorf, Clarence Natzke, Amy Ol- son & Eileen Spittlemeister 2015-2018: Joanne Aulenbacher, Roy Habeck, Ken Hagen, John Krizan, & Greg Parker
2016-2019: Don Baumgartner, Adam Bieber, Jane Serwe-Hahn, Alysia Pillsbury, Brian Westfahl & Gene Zeuske
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A face from the Past.Do you recognize the young man standing with Ginny Jesse? When we all knew him, he was a rambunctious and energetic kid (as he put it when Bill and I saw him recently). His two sisters Rachel and Ann could not keep up with him. He is now a young man working for Mike Gallagher before he heads back to college in fall. This young man is Alex Green, the son of Ambassador Mark and Sue Green and they live in Virginia as Ambassador Green works in Washington D.C. Everyone is doing fine. Rachel is a teacher working in Minnesota and Ann is in Virginia at this time. It is not surprising that Political Science is one of his studies in College. |