Shawano County Board Safety Committee will consider 2A Amendment Sanctuary 3 March 0900 Court House Contact your County Rep. Watch for Monthly County Board meeting time to be announced but the date will be 25 March

A SHORT HISTORY LESSON = WHY IS THERE A 2ND AMENDMENT HINT = The 2nd Amendment is not for hunting, shooting trap or target shooting! “A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790 “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776 “What […]

SHAWANO COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS District 1— Vacant—Previously Deb. Noffke District 2—Mark Bolin 415 W. Wescott Ave Shawano 54166 715-304-7415 District 3— Milton Marquardt 1043 S. Main St. Shawano 54166 715-524-4333 District 4— Michael Mc Clelland 1037 S. Union St. Shawano 54166 414-745-6871 District 5 — Steve Borroughs 182 S. Humphrey Circle Shawano 54166 715-524-3163 District 6— Randy Young 124 Maple Court, Shawano 54166 715-851-3537 District 7 — Gene Hoppe […]

Resolution No. ___-20 To Declare Shawano County’s Vigorous Support of the Peoples’ Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms Whereas, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is guaranteed as an individual right under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and under the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, Article 1, Section 25 which states – “The people have the right to keep and […]