Elephant Tales
Spring 2017 (Volume 7 Issue 1)
Happy Spring !
Welcome to the first edition of Elephant Tales for 2017, and the very first edition under the new editor, Alysia Pillsbury. My e-mail address is listed on the final page. Feel free to send any comments/suggestions. I am certainly open to new ideas as I begin this endeavor. The newsletter will include updates from local, state and national government issues.
As we continue to smile victoriously, we must remember that we cannot become complacent. The fight is never over. ~ Alysia Pillsbury
District Caucus – Shawano had the privilege of hosting the 8th District Caucus 11 March. Shawano had 62% of its authorized delegates attend the Caucus. Impressive!! Amy Olson did her normal bang up job running the raffle and we increased our bank account by over $200.00. We had three High School Students assist (Gage – Chris – Nate). Always involved, Ginny and Mike Jesse helped set up Friday night and Saturday morning. Thank you everyone.
Senator Ron Johnson spoke and participated in handing out the “Ladder award”. Our own Amy Olson was presented with this achievement award. We had the privilege hearing a Conservative Candidate for DPI Dr. Holtz. Dr. Holtz wants parents to control their Childs education and Dr. Holtz believes in empowering teachers to teach. Dr. Holtz does not support Common Core.
Meat and Booze raffle is April 8th at the Light House. The raffle begins at 3:00PM sharp and ends at 5:30.
We are developing core values to place on our website. Once developed these core values will help us discuss membership with potential new members.
Remember to sign up for the Republican State Convention which will be held in the Dells 12 – 14 May 2017.
This year our picnic is in Pella on July 25, 2017. The number #1 goal in 2018 is to defeat Senator Tammy Baldwin (Also get Republicans re-elected). As more people announce interest or intent to run for US Senate I will attempt to get them to speak at our picnic. If you have any suggestions please let me know and include contact information.
submitted by Richard Kucksdorf, Chairman
Shawano County Board
The Shawano County Library Consolidation process is looking to be a reality in 2018. All of the locations have passed resolutions to be part of the system and we will be working on individual contracts with each of them in the next few months.
At last month’s board meeting, Shawano County approved an agreement with the Historical Society which was long overdue. Maintenance, liability insurance and other issues were all addressed and consensus was reached. We were pleased to make this a good fit for all.
- Obtained a 20K grant from Stockbridge-Munsee Nation by having great communication and working relations with their community.
- Implemented the 2-2-3 work schedule in the Shawano County Jail which reduced the number of forced OT, Reduced sick time use from 66 in 2015 to 28 in 2016, and reduced payout of OT from 179k in 2015 to just under 36k in (data collected from Jan-Oct 2016 by Lt Greg Nelson)
- We created the “Internet Purchase Exchange Location” which is covered with a surveillance camera for people who purchase items Online and want to meet in a safer location when meeting strangers and exchanging money.
- Began holding meetings with all area Police agencies to improve communication.
- Issued Body Camera’s to every Deputy and set up a system to store all videos with a written policy in place.
- Held classes for citizens seeking their concealed carry permits.
- Completed our 2nd Citizens Academy in which 16 citizens completed.
- Held classes for people seeking their CPR certification.
- Held large scale emergency response training for active shooters in Shawano and in Bonduel.
- Began holding meetings with all area Fire Chiefs to improve communication.
- Obtained a night time Flier UAV to help find missing persons at night.
- Web Layout options.
- Continue to educate and prepare the public by hosting CPR and Concealed Carry classes, along with our Citizens Academy.
- Began working with Human Services to establish a drug court here in Shawano County.
- Reduce overall speed related crashes by implementing a traffic officer on each shift when personnel allows it.
Goals for 2017:
Work with the County Board, Stockbridge PD, and the Shawano PD to build and evidence building that would work efficiently for all agencies and save money long-term. (existing buildings were looked at and found not to be an option for this project and would actually cost more than just building)
Most of the attention of the Wisconsin legislators and their staff, the bureaucrats and their staff, the Governor and his staff and Cabinet is focused at this time on Wisconsin’s biennial budget.
The Governor in consultation with his Budget Director informs his Cabinet of what is expected of each of them regarding their budget. After consultation with each department head, the Governor’s budget bill is drafted and sent to Legislature. As soon as it is introduced, the budget bill becomes public and the lobbyists get busy. Each makes his case for more funding for his special interest. No one ever accepts the amount of funding as excessive or even adequate. If any special interest is successful in gaining some additional funding, another special interest will have to accept less…..OR YOUR TAXES WILL INCREASE! Your taxes are the major funding source, among several, and the state budget is required by law to be in balance.
Several public hearings will be held on various portions of the budget bill within the Capital and throughout the state. These hearings give the general public an opportunity to offer their input into the process. Generally speaking, most of the public who appear at these hearings have one goal in mind. Their goal is to secure more funding for their favorite state-funded program. THIS MEANS IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR CONSERVATIVES TO ALSO APPEAR AT THESE BUDGET HEARINGS! The nearest public hearing for folks in our area will be held in the Marinette High School auditorium on Friday, April 21st, from 10a to 5p.
Each House of the Legislature then passes their version of the Governor’s budget bill. With both Houses now controlled by the same political Party as the Governor, there are likely to be few, if any, amendments attached to the bill. There will still likely be many, maybe hundreds, of amendments offered by the minority Party. Members make these offers to prove to their constituents that they are making a legitimate effort for their district or for their favorite cause. Some may even offer amendments just to achieve coverage in their local press.
If a different form of the bill is passed by each House of the Legislature, it goes to a conference committee for reconciliation and is then sent back to the Governor for his signature. The Governor may veto all or parts of the bill but his authority has been slightly reduced to prohibit vetoes of single words or even single letters which may have the effect of completely changing the intent of the Legislature.

The discussion centered around three areas. First -where we are at now is negotiations. The President & Vice President are very much involved and meeting with various factions of congress to discuss options. President Trump is demonstrating leadership something not seen in DC for several years. America is witnessing legislative action played out in the public eye. I will go out on a limb and state that we have not witnessed open public debate since Newt Gingrich was speaker of the house.
Second –Mike shared some of the things that will occur in one of the three phases of the health care bill overhaul. Medicare costs will be controlled by states receiving block grants from the federal government. The sale of insurance across state lines would occur in phase three. Health savings accounts would be allowed in phase two. Mike explained the tax refund in a way that I had not heard previously. (EXAMPLE: If your employer provides insurance this is essentially income which is not taxed. In the Republican proposal those that do not have employer provided health insurance would receive a tax credit.)
Third -Mike asked us what we were hearing and what we thought. Republicans have said since 2010 that if they had a majority they would fix it. Today they have a President and both houses but Republicans appear unprepared. Voters are afraid that they will drop the ball and fail. Voters are suggesting that the Republicans use the 2015 repeal that was placed on Obamas desk and give that to Trump. Voters are critical of the current bill as being too liberal (Obama Care Lite) and they should begin with a much more conservative bill and negotiate from that point. Many are just very concerned with the three phase concept.
Last question – Mike asked was how he should vote. The majority on the phone stated that Mike should vote “NO”.
NOTE: Kathy Fritz (Vice Chair Waupaca) ran into Mike at a parade on 18 March in New London and Mike said that several very conservative items have been put into the bill since our phone conversation.
NOTE: Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill and never brought it up for a vote.
28 March = Mike stated that as the Bill was he would not have supported it. Mike was frustrated with the lack of a sense of urgency to get things done. Instead of Congress taking an April break Congressman Gallagher thought they should remain in secession and get things done.
Mike and other members of this Congress continue to work on term limits.
Nothing from the Senate at this time.
“Tank” – Our Unofficial Mascot
I was asked to give a Tank update. Tank is a German Shepherd and was born December 14, 2016. Connie and I brought Tank home 30 January 2017. On January 30th Tank weighed 10.6 lbs. and as of 24 March Tank weighs 32.2 LBS.
Tank graduated from puppy socialization course Monday 24 March. Puppy Kindergarten begins April 10th. Tank loves kids and I am hoping to have Tank with me on parades this year.
How Can I Help???
People often ask how they could help fight the good fight. Here are some suggestions:
- Walk the parades (see above)
- Write a letter to the editor
- Join fellow Republicans on the WTCH Breakfast Club, 3rd Tuesday of the Month
- Volunteer in our Fair Booth
- RECRUIT! Encourage friends and neighbors to join
Parades are a great way to boast our conservative pride! Please consider joining us for an upcoming event. A large group shows the strength of our party!
- Sat, May 20, 1p Pella Daze
- Sun, June 11, 12p Wittenberg
- 4th of July Parade – Gresham (date/time TBA)
- Sat, July 15, 12p Navarino
- Sat, Aug 5, 1p Bowler
- Sun, Aug 27, 1p Tigerton
- Sun, Oct 1, 1p Caroline